Gayfeather, White Winecup, Purple Winecup, Annual Winecup, Frostweed, Red/Coral Honeysuckle, White Honeysuckle, White Gaura, Blue Curls, Firewheel (Indian Blanket), Blue Mistflower, Lyreleaf Sage, Cedar Sage, White Salvia, Red Salvia, Antelopehorn Milkweed, Standing Cypress, Lemon Mint, Turk's Cap, Partridge Pea, Mexican Hat, Pink Evening Primrose, Prairie Verbena, Purple Prairie Clover, Texas Bluebonnet, Texas Thistle,Plains Fleabane, Yellow Puff, Small Palefoxia, Sharp-pod Morning Glory, Scarlet Pea, Prairie Rock Rose, PowderPuff, Scarlet Gaura, Fine-leaf Bluet, False Dayflower, Winter Vetch, Small Bluet, Texas Vervain, Texas Lantana, Zexmania, Brown-eyed Susan, Texas Kidneywood , Fragrant Sumac, Possumhaw Holly, Agarita, Nolina texana Bear Grass, Yucca, Buckeye, Dewberry, Little Blue Stem, Big Blue Stem, Indiangrass, Bushy Blue Stem, Sideoats Grama, Switchgrass, Virginia Bristlegrass.
(Due to missed-communication the garden was partially destroyed and mowed down, trees were cut down and plants destroyed. After discovering the destruction Temple Parks & Recreation has volunteered to water the garden during the drought and will also replace all of the missing plants, trees, & grasses this fall. In addition they are donating a new sign with expanded information regarding the valuable native plants that were growing in this garden.